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- How old to buy shares?
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- Shorting (going short)
- Stop losses
- How to choose a share
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Welcome to Shares Explained
Here to learn about shares and the stock market? I can assure you that you are in the right place!

Want to get going right away? View our step by step guide to buying shares.
Want to learn about the stock market?
I suggest reading through the basics section of this website to familiarise yourself with all the stock market terms and concepts.
Want to buy shares straight away?
Then you will need a brokerage account to buy and sell shares. If you are unsure what a brokerage account is click here to find out more.
I suggest reading through the basics section of this website to familiarise yourself with all the stock market terms and concepts.
Want to buy shares straight away?
Then you will need a brokerage account to buy and sell shares. If you are unsure what a brokerage account is click here to find out more.
Stock market frequently asked questions
What is a stock market?
What are shares – shares explained?
How do I buy a share immediately?
What is a stock exchange?
Can I practice trading shares for free?
Why should I buy shares?
Why do stock prices move up and down?
What are stock charts and graphs?
How old do I have to be to buy shares?
What are the tax rules regarding shares?
What is forex?
What are ETF’s?
Novices with shares and the stock market might like to first read through some of the frequently asked questions above. If you are a more experienced user, you might like to look at some of the information pages we have in the Advanced section. There you can learn about such things as stock options and IPOs.
Please be sure to signup for our mailing list so you can be updated when we post new information to the site. Don’t worry – we won’t send email very frequently – probably no more than once every few weeks.
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Stock market basics
Shares explained
Stock charts explained
Stock dividends explained
Stock Split Explained
Stock attributes
Why do shares move up and down?
How do I read a stock quote?
Understanding company financial statements
Rights issue of sharesThe process of buying shares
Why buy shares
Age limit for trading shares
Custodial account
Tax rules on shares
Styles of trading
Buying (going long)
Shorting stock (going short)
Stop losses explained
Picking shares
Fundamental analysis
Technical analysis
Trading courses
Practice accounts
Brokerage accounts
Trading software
NewslettersStock market explained
Stock exchanges
Bull/bear market
What market to buy shares
Factors that affect the stock market
When does the stock market open?Stock market trading guide
Step by step guide to trading shares
Practice accounts
Brokerage accounts
Trading courses
Trading software
5 golden rules when trading shares
The risk:reward ratio
LeverageStock market games
Stock market 60
Stock market suicideAdvanced stock market trading
IPO (Initial Public Offering)
Automated trading
Exchange traded funds (ETF's)
Mutual Funds
Penny shares
Spread betting
Options Explained